Les Festivals de Wallonie are working on bringing music to you : COVID-19 info

Les Ateliers philo

Philisophy for everyone


A quel âge peut-on philosopher ?

How early can you start thinking?

How early can you start thinking? As soon as kids are confronted with others, they express their thoughts. There is no age limit! From 5 to 105, philosophy accompagnies you though all the stages of your life...

After some of our shows, adults and children can participate in an intergenerational workshop! For 30 minutes, the presenters and the audience discuss philisophy and talk about the themes of the show.

The workshops are in French and are organized by the Centres d'Action Laïque of Namur, Luxemburg and Walloon Brabant in partnership with Les Festivals de Wallonie.

Informations and reservations :

It's free ! But reservations are mandatory (20 people maximum). Contact Les Festivals de Wallonie : elise.viola@lesfestivalsdewallonie.be - 071 51 78 00.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Below is a list of the shows!

Institutional partners

Project Partners

Centre d'Action Laïque - Namur
Centre d'Action Laïque - Luxembourg
Centre d'Action Laïque du Brabant wallon



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Institutional partners

Project Partners

Centre d'Action Laïque - Namur
Centre d'Action Laïque - Luxembourg
Centre d'Action Laïque du Brabant wallon