The Curious Bards intègre une part importante de la culture irlandaise et écossaise : les chansons collectées dans les recueils du 18e siècle. Elles racontent l'histoire de ces deux pays, à travers leurs récits amoureux, désespérés ou patriotiques. Les Curious Bards créent un son marqué par l’authenticité, la chaleur et l’énergie contagieuse des musiques gaéliques.
The Curious Bards
Jean-Christophe Morel, cistre irlandais
Louis Capeille, harpe triple
Bruno Harlé, flûtes
Alix Boivert, violon baroque & direction
Artiste invitée : Ilektra Platiopoulou, mezzo-soprano
The Curious Bards incorporate an important element of Irish and Scottish culture: the songs collected in the eighteenth-century songbooks. They tell the story of these two countries through tales of love, despair and patriotism. The Curious Bards create a sound infused with the authenticity, warmth and infectious energy of Gaelic music.
The Curious Bards
Jean-Christophe Morel, Irish cistre
Louis Capeille, triple harp
Bruno Harlé, flutes
Alix Boivert, baroque violin & direction
Guest artist: Ilektra Platiopoulou, mezzo-soprano
Set de 3 airs écossais extraits de A collection of scots reels or country dances : The lads of Elgin, The Highlandman kissed his mother, The Fyket
Since sounding drums (chanson irlandaise extraite de Vocal magazine)
Highland battle (extrait de Caledonian pocket companion)
Set de 3 airs irlandais : Mary O'neill (Turlough O'carolan), The lads of Dunse (Hibernian Muse), Port Patrick (Hibernian Muse)
Farewell (chanson écossaise extraite de The musical miscellany)
Set de 2 airs avec variations : Rakes of Mallow (instrumental irlandais avec variations), Reel of Tulloch (instrumental écossais avec variations de David Young)
Kilkenny is a handsome place (chanson irlandaise extraite de Calliope or a musical miscellany)
My gentle harp (chanson irlandaise avec paroles de Thomas Moore)
Set de 3 airs irlandais/écossais : Lady Herriot Hopes (extrait de Edinburgh repository of music), Lady Herriot Hopes (extrait de Edinburgh repository of music), Sir Adam Ferguson's reel (extrait de Collection of Scots Reels, Minuets), Bonny Lads (extrait de 48 original irish dances)
King of the blind (extrait de A collection of the most celebrated Irish tunes)
My harry was a gallant gay (chanson écossaise extraites de Scottish Songs)
Set de 2 airs irlandais : John Nugent (Hibernian Muse), Bumper Squire Jones (Turlough O'carolan)
Set de 3 airs écossais tirés de A collection of Strathspey, reels and jigs... : Miss Loraine of Kirkharles, Fight about the Fire side, Lochailis away to France
Lady Anne Bothwell's lament (chanson écossaise extraite de Orpheus Caledonius)
3 Scottish airs from A collection of scots reels or country dances: The lads of Elgin, The Highlandman kissed his mother, The Fyket
Since sounding drums (Irish song from Vocal magazine)
Highland battle (excerpt from Caledonian pocket companion)
3 Irish airs: Mary O'neill (Turlough O'carolan), The lads of Dunse (Hibernian Muse), Port Patrick (Hibernian Muse)
Farewell (Scottish song from The musical miscellany)
2 airs with variations: Rakes of Mallow (Irish instrumental with variations), Reel of Tulloch (Scottish instrumental with variations from David Young)
Kilkenny is a handsome place (Irish song from Calliope or a musical miscellany)
My gentle harp (Irish song with lyrics from Thomas Moore)
3 Irish/Scottish airs: Lady Herriot Hopes (excerpt from Edinburgh repository of music), Lady Herriot Hopes (excerpt from Edinburgh repository of music), Sir Adam Ferguson's reel (excerpt from Collection of Scots Reels, Minuets), Bonny Lads (excerpt from 48 original irish dances)
King of the blind (excerpt from A collection of the most celebrated Irish tunes)
My harry was a gallant gay (Scottish song from Scottish Songs)
2 Irish airs: John Nugent (Hibernian Muse), Bumper Squire Jones (Turlough O'carolan)
3 Scottish airs from A collection of Strathspey, reels and jigs...: Miss Loraine of Kirkharles, Fight about the Fire side, Lochailis away to France
Lady Anne Bothwell's lament (Scottish song from Orpheus Caledonius)